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Belarus - the third sector

Belarus - the third sector

People, culture, language

Poniższe wydanie zostało przygotowane dzięki współpracy kilku organizacji. Wschodnioeuropejskie Centrum Demokratyczne — IDEE dziękuje za pomoc przede wszystkim Redakcji Czasopisma „Arche", która przygotowała białoruską edycję wydania; Stowarzyszeniu „Kulturny Kantakt", którego współpraca przy wyborze... Болей »

Belarus – our new neighbour

Belarus – our new neighbour

Conference Report

Канферэнцыя ‘Беларусь – Наш новы сусед’, што праходзіла 20 сакавіка 2004 году ў Сэнаце Чэскай рэспублікі ў Празе, зь вялікай увагаю паставілася да важнасьці суседства новых краінаў-сябраў Эўрапейскага зьвязу з Цэнтральнае ды Ўсходняе Эўропы зь Беларусьсю. Канферэнцыя клала акцэнт на тое, што далучэньне... Болей »

Belarus – towards a United Europe

Belarus – towards a United Europe

Maszkiewicz Mariusz, red.

Гэта зборнік аналітычных артыкулаў пад агульнай рэдакцыяй вядомага польскага дыпламата, былога амбасадара Польшчы ў Беларусі Марыюша Машкевіча, які напісаў уводзіны да кнігі, пазначыўшы, што збор артыкулаў мае мэтай паглыбіць разуменне сітуацыі у Беларусі, а таксама паспрыяць інтэлектуальным і арганізацыйным... Болей »

Belarus after election

Belarus after election

Report on the human rights situation in Belarus in the post-election period

This report has been prepared to assist the expert mission established under the OSCE Moscow Mechanism in establishing facts of human rights violations in Belarus during the post-election period. This report contains information on the human rights situation in the post-election period, covering the... Болей »

Belarus Catching up with Europe

Belarus Catching up with Europe

Publikacja Białoruś w Pogoni za Europą prezentuje zbiór tekstów syntetycznie przedstawiających wewnętrzną sytuację na Białorusi oraz propozycje reform politycznych, gospodarczych i społecznych, których celem jest otwarcie dla tego kraju perspektywy integracji z Unią Europejską i wprowadzenie go na drogę... Болей »

Belarus Headlines Issue X

Belarus Headlines Issue X

The Council of the European Union decided to prolong the existing restrictive measures on Belarus until 31 October 2013 due to the fact that not all political prisoners have been released and the lack of improvement with regards to the respect for human rights, the rule of law and democratic principles.... Болей »

Belarus Headlines Issue IX

Belarus Headlines Issue IX

In late July Belarusian Foreign Minister Siarhei Martynau paid an official visit to Italy where he met with the president of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly, Riccardo Migliori. The meeting focused on the international observation of the parliamentary election that is scheduled for 23 September. Mr. Migliori... Болей »

Belarus Headlines Issue VIII

Belarus Headlines Issue VIII

On 5 June, Filip Kaczmarek (EPP, Poland) was elected new chair of the European Parliament's delegation for relations with Belarus. He replaces Jacek Protasiewicz, who is taking up his new duties as vice-president of the European Parliament. EU relations with Belarus have never been easy and official... Болей »

Belarus Headlines Issue VII

Belarus Headlines Issue VII

On 16 April, the first working seminar of the European Dialogue for Modernisation took place in Warsaw. It was inaugurated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Poland, Radek Sikorski, and the EU Commissioner for Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy, Štefan Füle. In his opening remarks, the... Болей »

Belarus Headlines Issue VI

Belarus Headlines Issue VI

Siarhei Kavalenka during his trial in Vitsebsk. On 24 February, Kavalenka was sentenced to two years and one month in prison for alleged parole violations. He had been originally sentenced in January 2010 to three years of "limited freedom" for "illegally displaying the banned Belarusian national flag"... Болей »

Камунікат.org – Беларуская Інтэрнэт-Бібліятэка
Пры выкарыстаньні матэрыялаў у друку спасылка на крыніцу інфармацыі абавязковая.
Пры выкарыстаньні матэрыялаў у Інтэрнэце прамая гіпэрспасылка на абавязковая.
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