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The Belarusian Freedom Day was marked by a number of cultural events in Brussels. The holiday, celebrated on the 25th of March, commemorates the Belarusian People’s Republic, proclaimed in 1918. The Freedom Day is traditionally ignored by the Belarusian authorities on one hand, and widely celebrated... Болей »
The Administrative Offence Code of the Republic of Belarus and the Penalty Procedures Code of the Republic of Belarus about administrative offences come into force. This legislation introduces a new measure of administrative punishment - deportation for foreign citizens and stateless persons for committing... Болей »
Austrian bank will invest 1.3 billion dollars Austrian's Raiffeisen Bank will invest the equivalent of 1.3 billion dollars in Belarusian business during 2007, a senior government official said on Monday. The one billion Euro sum will go into Belarusian banking, manufacturing, fund investment, and export... Болей »
Lukashenko Reiterates Desire to Improve Relations with EU President Alexander Lukashenko said he counts on France's assistance in helping intensify the dialogue between Belarus and the European Union. "Belarus is interested in intensifying cooperation with the French Republic, primarily because o f France's... Болей »
On Sunday, February 4, riot police detained about 30 members of the youth organization Young Front. It happened when a session of the central committee of the organization was taking place in a private apartment on Tsnyanskaya Street in Minsk. On the same day, search operations were conducted in apartments... Болей »
Мінулы тыдзень прайшоў для беларускіх ды многіх іншых СМІ пад знакам сустрэчаў Лукашэнкі з Папам Рымскім у Ватыкане і прэм’ерам Бэрлюсконі падчас нефармальнай вячэры. Прыезд Лукашэнкі ў Італію стаў нагодай для канстатацыі, што 14-гадовая замежнапалітычная самаізаляцыя для беларускага рэжыму скончылася.... Болей »
17 красавіка вырашылася інтрыга, якая некалькі тыдняў напружвала журналістаў ды апазыцыю: ці атрымае Аляксандар Лукашэнка запрашэньне на ўстаноўчы саміт новай праграмы Эўразьвязу «Ўсходняе партнэрства»? Напярэдадні знакавыя фігуры з апазыцыі апэлявалі да структураў ЭЗ з заклікам не рабіць такой памылкі.... Болей »
10 красавіка адбыліся чарговыя перамовы Аляксандра Лукашэнкі і Дзьмітрыя Мядзьведзева. Мяркуючы па інфармацыі пра сустрэчу, Лукашэнка паспрабаваў дабіцца абяцаньняў ад расейскага прэзыдэнта па ключавых для Беларусі пытаньнях. Лукашэнка таксама распавёў Мядзьведзеву пра пэрспэктывы ўдзелу Беларусі ў праграме... Болей »
Last week two events happened on the same day that attracted attention of Belarusians to the maximum extent: inauguration of Barack Obama, 44th president of the United States, and a meeting of presidents of Belarus and Ukraine in Charnihau after the gas war between Moscow and Kyiv. Belarusian – American... Болей »
The population of Belarus has been staggered by a rocketing increase of prices after the devaluation of BRB up to 20% at the beginning of the year of 2009. Some foodstuffs, including cereals, fish, juices, tangerines and coffee became 30-60% more expensive. Independent experts think that the dealers... Болей »