
Belarus Headlines 29

How to Lower Schengen Visa Fees for Belarusians By Dzianis Melyantsou and Vitali Silitski (abstracts) Despite the fact that an increase in visa fees was caused by objective reasons (the accession of the new EU member states to the Schengen Zone, the introduction of a common electronic data base and a more complicated visa-issue procedure), this provoked a negative reaction from both official Minsk and the Belarusian civil society, a rare demonstration of consensus between otherwise divided political forces. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Belarus immediately labelled this measure as an unfriendly action on the side of the EU and promised to take adequate measures towards countries of the European Union. Such measures were taken in February 2008, when Belarus raised costs of its visas for citizens of European countries that recently joined the Schengen Zone(1).

Пэрыёдыка: Belarus Headlines
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Месца выхаду: Brussels
  • Дата выхаду: 2008-06-19
  • Выдавец: Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Copyright: © 2008 by Office for a Democratic Belarus
  • Кнігазбор:
  • Дадатковая даведка: Выданьне публікуецца тут за ласкавай згодай Office for a Democratic Belarus
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