
Belarusian Review Volume 24, No. 2

I remember a math problem from my school years: how much time would it take Z to get from point A to point C, traveling through point B. This was quite a simple task but one has to correctly consider the conditions given in order to get the proper answer. In other words, the correct answer depends on the configuration of points A, B, and C, the speed and other characteristics of Z, as well as other relevant factors.

Пэрыёдыка: Belarusian Review
Выдаўцы і выдавецтвы: Беларуска-Амэрыканскае Задзіночаньне
  • Месца выхаду: Прага
  • Дата выхаду: 2012-06
  • Рэдактар: Станкевіч Юрка (Stankevich George)
  • Выдавец: Беларуска-Амэрыканскае Задзіночаньне
  • Copyright: © 1988-2012 by Belarusian Review
  • Кнігазбор:, Каталёг БГТ
  • Інвэнтарныя нумары: BTH — 1091.
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